

Goth may just be the look for me...maybe. I tried it yesterday. Hilarious shit right there. I did it for an audition. Sprayed my hair black, wore all black, with a belt, lots of eyeliner, black lipstick. Then I went to kinkos. OMG. This dude was STARING at me the whole time...well not just staring, but checking me out in a very obvious head turning way. I ignored him at first then I made eye contact and he smiled so I smiled back. Then he kept turning around and smiling at me. Very funny. So either goths get lots of attention normally, OR I'm stunningly beautiful in goth attire.

I got called back for the audition. YAY! The second callback I've ever gotten! I hope I get it. It will be so ironic though considering the way I usually am. I am like as far from goth as it gets. Or am I?

Bet you practice Wicca or Paganism or possibly more liberal Christianity. You probably love Dead Can Dance, anything ethereal, and might be vegetarian. You probably also like to hug people.

What kind of goth are you?

Created by ptocheia

^^ So true! I'm a Christian, if it were under my power I'd be a vegetarian, ethereal things rock my socks, and I LOVE hugging people. My friend Brendan said that the people who dress like that are just really smart, independent thinkers, which is quite true of me. So I guess I am an in-the-closet-goth. HAAAA lol.

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