
Decision 08

So I watched the Democratic candidate debate. It was some good T.V. That, or I'm a total nerd. So here is a quick summary of all the ones who are not Barack and Hilary who I can

John Edwards: He's adorable, and a good Christian. Seems like a nice guy. None of his opinions really stood out in contrast to everyone else. There was no zing. No punch. Nothing special. Except his hair. And that just goes to show you why he didn't really get to run in '04.

Gravel, Former Senator of Alaska: Entertaining. Absolute libbie like you have no idea. Very green, very enviornmentally focused, but also very extreme. I don't think it would be wise to vote for him, he's to fiery. However, his passion is very refreshing. I loved his answer to the question, "Where have you been the past thirty years?" " Hiding under a rock." haha get it a-rock...like I-raq...

Kucinich: I love this guy , but there is not a chance on earth that he will win. He's short (although he does have a GORGEOUS wife). He wants to have Cheney impeached because we "need to uphold the constitution". Definetly another Gravel. I like what he has to say, but when asked if there was really a threat to the United States or a reason for the U.S. to feel there is a threat, he said no, while everyone else raised their hand. He's very much one of those lets just high tail it our of Iraq types. He's awesome, but I feel that if he ran as the Democratic candidate, he would probably be too liberal to win over any conservative votes. And the last thing I want is another Republican administration. Uggh.

Chris Dodd: Nothing special.

Bill Richardson: Hispanic. He's got some good ideas. I like. And yet...he's not my favorite. But I do like how he plans to deal with cutting emissions and putting up a carbon tax. (that was Richardson right?)

Joe Biden: Of all the ones who are not Hilary or Obama, Biden is my favorite. He has the presidential charisma, and I like his "political solution" (eww that sounds like the final solution) for the situation in Iraq. He wants to make three countries, so they can all be happy, and we can leave. =) yay.

In other, non political news, I'm so friggin tired. Its amazing. I'm entirely out of it. Richard thinks I'm high on something. And maybe I am. I don't know. Talked to Andy. Things are still not where I wish they were, but at least the issues are out there.

I love my friends. Especially Richard, who from now on will be the only person in whom I confide details on my love life to ... and Naomi...and Pali...but thats it.

Oh, and Scotty. But thats just because I know I can trust these people. With my business that is. SOME people you can trust with information but you cant trust with your heart. *cough cough* Pali *cough cough*.

Pali...my feelings about this dear friend of mine are so so convoluded. One day I love him, the next day I hate him with the passion of a thousand suns and want to ignore about him and never see him or speak to him ever. Then I feel bad, because he's not that bad, and I enjoy talking to him on occasion. Then some days I think he's just pathetic. Other days I admire him. Other days I again abhor him. If you averaged out all my feelings, I think you get neutrality. But thats an average because the extremes cancel eachother out. Like I said before...convoluded. and CONFUSING. But thats okay. Thats the advantage of being really incredibly tired. I'm too tired to even care that I don't know. And I'm at peace with that. Which is cool. Progress my friends. Progress.

Things are looking up for me grade wise. I might actually pull off straight A's this year. for ONCE. I almost have an A in everything. 89 in english, 86.6 in history, 90 in APES, 91 in AP Spanish Language. That 86 I am working on ala extra credit and kicking ass on the final. the 89 in english will be up, because again, I WILL kick ass on the final. YAY!!!!!!!!! I wish I could have done this all the past semesters. Then I'd be like Maeve. Stupid math though. errrrrg. That and track. The time I get from not having after school practice really makes a difference. Does this mean that for this semester I will have above a 4.0???? I certainly hope so!!!!!! I need it so badly for my overall gpa. Like you have NO IDEA.

Oh and as for Speech presidential elections, Zita I'm not running against. No. Aaron. Yup. See thats not good either cuz Aaron's a cool guy. He's my friend. And people like him. So He's an actual threat to my chances. lol. Gosh this sucks.

Bowling tommorrow! With trackies and Tina, and possibly Mikey. YAY!!!! FUN!!!!!

1 comment:

Rex said...

I missed bowling. :(

You know why?
'Cause of the orchestra fesitival!!!

The festival went well, but we got back too late.
I shall call you tomorrow and apologize.
I am sorry.