
Hot Fuzz

Saw Hot Fuzz last night with Kathleen. <333 Simon Pegg rocks the socks. So does Kathleen. I'm gonna miss her when she goes off to Berkley.

I really like movie and I want to buy it on dvd when it comes out. I wish to analyze it philosophically for deeper things. Its got to have some deep stuff in it. I identified at least one thing, which is a criticism of established religion as corrupt when in reality no one has the answers as well as a Nietzschien theme of how we are always trying to define things:

Priest: Will you read a passage this Sunday at the church?
Nicholas Angel: No. I don't go to church.
Priest: So you're an atheist.
Nicholas Angel: Its not that I'm Godless I just don't really think about it.
Priest: So you're an agnostic. We have an ointment for that.

Ironically there also seems to be a criticism of Agnostics or Atheists (not sure which, but I'm reffering to the Andies here). Nicholas tried and tries to point out that there is a connection between all of the events and that they are not accidents because there is evidence they are connected, while the Andies insist that the events are accidents and have no connection.:

Nicholas Angel: So you think she fell and tripped on HER OWN FUCKIN SHEERS?!?!
Andies: Yup. Accidents happen around here. Not everything is a murder. Whats your fascination with murder anyway. Maybe you did it.

It seems I can't watch a movie without analyzing. WHAT HAS GHCHS DONE TO ME!!!!!!! I want to see it again! I want to be in Simon Pegg film. He should a musical. And I should play a lead role.

In other news, I plan to start a news club at GHCHS. Think Stewart/Colbert/SNL. THe thing its too risky to be overly politically biased. So it will priobably be less political than simply reporting the news in a fun and interesting way. Adair said he'd sponsor it if Borgeson wouldn't and that he'd help wear Borgeson down so that he'll do it. Frankly, I think its better if Adair does it because Adair is single, and if he loses his job because we cross the line, I won't feel as guilty since Borgeson has a family to support. But no one will loset here job as long as I'm in charge. The thing with media is that you need to make sure what you are putting out there is cool with the people in charge. So I will likely end up having to get it approved by Howelman or Bauer before it airs for the school for every episode. meanwhile, i have set up a meeting between me and Howelman for us to discuss the parameters of what is off limits to parody satirize or criticize and how bias we can be without being "talken to" as Mr. Adair so non eloquently puts it. William say's he'ss do the filming aspect of the whole thing. I'm gonna see if I could get Jane to potentially co-host it with me, and everyone else in the club will be involved etiehr with editing, finding sets, doing makeup, or writing. Writing is gonna be a huge part of it. Even though I will be the anchor (along with maybe Jane) I will try to make sure it feels like a team for all involved in the process. Pretty much everyone in the club will be mostly writing. Hopefully those that join will be happy with doing just that. I guess that means I have to make it clear from the get go exactly what they will be doing so that there are no let downs.

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